


Life Insurance

For those unforeseen events when your family needs to be financially secure.

We will help you determine how much life cover you need. With which service provider to invest and assist your loved ones to access the money when they need it most.

Disability Insurance

When life happens and things go wrong, you can be in a position to sustain your current lifestyle, even with the added costs involved when you become disabled. Wondering where you will get the money to convert your stairs to a wheelchair friendly ramp? We will help you to be financially prepared.


Investing money over a short or long term will help you to fulfill a dream like buying the house you have always wanted or traveling the world.

Your life goals will determine the investment strategies required and we are there to guide you every step of the way.

Retirement Annuities and Pension Funds

You will work hard for most of your life. Long hours, traffic, meetings. But when you reach retirement age you need to have the money to enjoy your life. We will help you plan for your retirement where you will have the time and money, not just the time.

Commercial Insurance

There is always risk involved when running a business. The important thing is to be prepared for when disaster strikes. We have years of experience that will help you mitigate that risk and ensure you are properly covered.

Personal Insurance

Have you recently bought a new home or are your child learning to drive? Personal insurance helps you and your family have peace of mind.  Funeral cover, motor vehicle insurance, Home content insurance, Home owners (building) insurance.

We do them all.

Medical Aid

Medical Aid cover is essential for all South Africans. NNIB Health offers a professional Medical Aid service backed by many years of experience in the industry. 

Gap Cover

Gap Cover protects you against specialists charging above medical aid rates. Attach to your medical aid to ensure you are comprehensively covered for all medical procedures. 

Last Will & Testaments

NNIB offers the free drawing up and safe keeping of your Last Will & Testament. Secure your legacy and ensure a future for your family with a comprehensive Will.


Aviation Insurance

As aircraft enthusiast ourselves, you will benefit from our extensive knowledge on the subject when we create comprehensive cover for your aircraft. 

Crop Insurance

When dealing with mother nature on a bad day, you need all the help you can get. Our crop insurance provides cover for risks like hail, fire, frost and the human risk element too – transit, chemical overspray etc.

Contractor All Risk 

Building sites is synonymous with risk but having the right insurance partner at your side will ensure that you can recover quickly to finish the project on time. The CAR insurance covers all types of buildings and civil engineering projects. Making sure that you are covered for the unforeseen, that is our job.

Performance Guarantees

With NNIB’s performance guarantees you will have peace of mind that your contractor will have the ability to perform and deliver a project successfully.

Medical Malpractice Insurance

Medical professionals carry the risk of medical malpractice suites when anything goes wrong with their patient care as a result of their actual or perceived negligence or malpractice. Having comprehensive insurance cover will limit your exposure.

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